


The Whole Nine Months is the public health and social media campaign of the Western Australian Preterm Birth Prevention Initiative.

More than 26,000 Australian babies are born preterm each year. Preterm birth is defined as birth before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy (and after 20 weeks) and is the single greatest cause of death and disability in children up to five years of age in the developed world.

There are many pathways to untimely early birth and recent advances mean several of these pathways can be prevented at their onset. View the interventions for the prevention of preterm birth here.

If you are a heath care practitioner, pregnant, or considering a pregnancy, the information and resources contained in this website are for you.

History of The Whole Nine Months

The Whole Nine Months is a national public health campaign which aims to safely lower the rate of preterm birth by combining the latest evidence-based clinical practice with educational outreach programs for health care practitioners and the general public.

On-going discovery research and evaluation of effectiveness will ensure the Initiative remains responsive in this rapidly changing field of medicine.

The Whole Nine Months is proudly managed and delivered by the Women and Infants Research Foundation.